nancy-windheart-2014People often ask me, “When did you discover that you had the gift of communicating telepathically with animals?” My answer usually includes sharing how I spent much of my childhood in full telepathic connection with my animal friends, and then focused on other areas of my life as a young adult, reconnecting with my telepathic abilities when I adopted my first dog at 28 and began the journey which eventually led me to become a professional animal communicator.

This, however, begs the question: Is telepathic communication a special gift? I don’t think so. Telepathic communication is a universal language. We are all born with this ability. It’s our birthright. It’s a natural way for all of us to communicate–humans included.

Telepathic communication is the primary language of animals. And it’s the way we humans communicate before we acquire our verbal + written language. After that, many of us tend to lose our “bilingual” abilities. But they are there, ready to be reawakened and rediscovered.

As with any language, some people are more fluent in telepathic communication than others, and some people are simply more interested in it than others. But I completely believe that we all have the ability to communicate in this way–it just takes some dedication and practice to re-learn.

Just like learning another “human” language can open the door into a whole new world, culture, and way of understanding, so can telepathic communication open a door into a new world for us. It’s a magical world, full of connection, new perspectives, understanding, and wisdom, and it’s a world that is waiting for us to rediscover it.

All we need to do is open the door, step over the threshold, and begin.

Imagine a world where you can see through a whale’s eyes, and feel the way the whale experiences her life, her body, her pod…imagine a world where you can completely understand why a telephone pole is so mesmerizing for your dog…how a dragonfly feels as she flies across the water…what your cat understands about the spirit world.

This kind of communication is possible. And, I have a secret for you:

It’s not hard.

My mission in life is to help other people to uncover, reawaken and rediscover their ability to communicate telepathically with all life. I love teaching and watching the magic unfold for others. And I want as many people as possible to be able to have the guidance and the support that they need to begin this journey.

I’ve created some resources to help you. The first is my “Getting Started with Animal Communication” Kit. This kit includes a 21-page E-Book, “10 Tools for Telepathic Communication with Animals”, and a 17-minute Meditation mp3, “Open Your Heart to the Animals“. To receive your free kit, simply subscribe at the link on the top right of this page.

You may also want to check out my Beginning Animal Communication Online Class.

I would love to be your guide for your journey with telepathic animal communication!