Over the years that I have been teaching animal communication and training people to become professional animal communicators, I have often been asked the question:

What Does it Take to Be a Good Animal Communicator?

I have thought about this a lot, and have noticed certain consistent qualities in the people who are excellent animal communicators–not just those who are practicing professionally, but those who are using animal communication as a life skill in their families, jobs, and communities.

Here are some (not an exhaustive list!) of the most important traits and qualities of excellent animal communicators that I have observed in my years in this field.

8 Qualities of Excellent Animal Communicators

1. Humility

Excellent animal communicators have a willingness to learn, grow, train, practice, and be taught by both animal and human teachers. They are willing to see where they are going off-track, interjecting human experiences, thoughts, ideas, and projections, and are willing to correct course with the help of animal and human teachers and friends.

They are willing to be awed by the perspectives and wisdom of animal teachers, willing to learn entirely new ways of perceiving, and willing to have their awareness constantly be expanded by listening to and learning from our other-than-human kin.

2. Willingness to be Transformed

The best animal communicators I know approach animal communication as a transformative spiritual journey–a way of living in harmony and connection with all life. This often requires a deep evaluation of things in our lives that are not in alignment with this way of living and being, and can initiate a profound experience of change, transformation, and personal growth.

3. Clarity and Accuracy

Excellent animal communicators have clear and highly accurate telepathic communication skills developed over years of practice and many, many practice communications and consultations. No one is 100% accurate in this field–NO ONE–but a high level of accuracy and clarity are important. Excellent animal communicators are willing to allow the process of practice and training to develop a high level of accuracy and clarity to take the time it takes…not rushing the process or expecting it to happen overnight.

4. Human Communication Skills

Human communication skills are also really important, especially for those who wish to use their animal communication abilities to help others. It’s not enough to just learn how to hear the animals clearly and consistently; we also need to be able to communicate with animals’ human companions (unless, of course, they are wild animals) in a way that human people can understand, hear, and process. This is a skill that can be developed, if it doesn’t come naturally, with training and practice.

5. Neutrality/Non-Judgment

Excellent animal communicators are willing to learn to set aside their own personal ideas, agendas, and preferences in order to hold space for animals + people, and let the communication unfold without judgment or interjecting their own biases.

This is not to say that good animal communicators don’t feel or have their own responses to a communication, but rather that they learn to let those be secondary to the experience of listening to and fully feeling, hearing, and understanding the animal and their human companion. They don’t flood the animal with their own emotions, ideas, or concerns, and they don’t push their own beliefs and ideas onto the animal or their human companion.

6. Patience

Good animal communicators have patience with the process of learning, uncovering, and remembering how to use this natural, universal language. They are willing to do a lot of practice and training. They are willing to spend a lot of quiet time simply being present with animals, opening, listening, learning, discovering.

Sometimes people want to jump into working professionally too quickly and it can backfire, especially with regard to lack of training and experience. The best professional animal communicators I know trained and practiced for several years before working professionally.

7. Healthy Boundaries

Excellent animal communicators have good boundaries, both personal and professional–and/or a willingness to learn them if not already in place.  They don’t communicate without permission, they don’t inject themselves in situations they haven’t been invited into, and they know how to take care of themselves and their energy to avoid overwhelm and burnout.

(If you’re an animal communication student or professional, and want to learn more about good boundaries, you may be interested in the online Ethics and Energetic Boundaries course.)

8. Compassion and Empathy

The best animal communicators have compassionate, empathic hearts, with a deep love for animals and the other-than-human world. They have a passionate, compelling desire to be of service in healing the fractured relationships and misunderstandings between the human species and the other beings who share our Earth.

These qualities of good animal communicators can be cultivated and developed, and some of the best teachers in the world for all of these are animals themselves. If you ask for their help, their guidance, and their support, you will be amazed at what will begin to unfold in your life!



If you want to learn more about animal communication, you may like to check out the Free Resources Page  to get you started.