Open Access Online Learning

Beginning Animal Communication Independent Study Class
This class is the on-demand, open access version of the Beginning Animal Communication Online Class. The curriculum for this course is designed so that you will take away specific, tangible resources you can use on your journey with animal communication.
If you want to begin your journey with animal communication on your own, and don’t want or need the support of an online community and structure, then this course is for you.
This course is taught on the Ruzuku platform.

Ethics and Energetic Boundaries
for Animal Communicators and Animal Energy Workers
Independent Study Class
This class is open to any student or professional in Animal Communication, Animal Reiki, or other modalities of holistic animal energy work.
This class is also Level 3 of the Animal Communication Professional Training Program.
Prerequisites: Beginning Animal Communication class, Animal Reiki class, or by permission

Reiki for All Species Level 1: Independent Study Class
Learn to use the healing energy of Reiki for yourself and your human and animal friends and family!
Learn an effective method for relieving stress and anxiety, reducing pain, and promoting healing that is effective for both humans and animals.
Receive high-quality, online Reiki training from an experienced professional Reiki Master-Teacher and training that specifically addresses the unique considerations of using Reiki with animals.
This course is taught on the Ruzuku platform.

Reiki for All Species Level 2: Independent Study Class
Expand and deepen your use of the healing energy of Reiki for people and animals!
This class is for people who have completed Reiki Level 1 and wish to expand their experience of the Reiki energy.
The Reiki 2 class deepens our experience of Reiki, and includes learning and using the three Level 2 Reiki symbols. We will learn how to use distant Reiki (including past/future healing), and will practice doing complete Reiki treatments using all of the symbols. Students will receive a Reiki Level 2 Certificate upon completion of the course.
This course is taught on the Ruzuku platform.
Prerequisites: Reiki Level One Class