Free Animal Communication Classes and Resources

The Basics of Telepathic Animal Communication Course – Free

This is a fun, information-filled class with tools and tips to start you on your journey with animal communication.

This class includes:

  • A 60-Minute Introductory Video on the essential basics you need to know about Animal Communication
  • “10 Tools for Telepathic Communication with Animals” eBook
  • “Open Your Heart to the Animals Meditation” mp3 audio
  • Weekly “Animal Inspirations” Newsletter

Animal Communication Tools for Shelter and Rescue Workers – Free

This free 60-minute class was originally presented as a program of the Animal Communicator Forum. In it, I give an introduction to basic animal communication tools that can be used by people who work with sheltered and rescued animals, including:

  • staying present in crisis situations
  • sending telepathic communication to animals clearly
  • basic healing techniques for working with physical and emotional trauma
  • helping animals to attract the kind of people and homes they desire
  • available resources for people who wish to further their animal communication training

This class is intended to be a free resource for anyone who can use it. Please feel free to share this link!

Animal Communication Tools for Shelter and Rescue Workers-Free

Download Your Copy!

Reiki and Animal Communication eBook

Creating Healing and Deeper Understanding Between Species

In this ebook, you’ll learn:

  • What Reiki is
  • How Reiki can help people who are learning and practicing Animal Communication
  • How Reiki can help animals
  • How Reiki and Animal Communication are different
  • How Reiki for animals is different than Reiki for humans
  • What the Reiki for All Species Training program is and how it can help you

Subscribe to My YouTube Channel!

Tips for Communicating With Animals – Part 1

Tips for Communicating With Animals – Part 2

Audio Resources

Exploring Animal Communication with Nancy Windheart

Join Bishop Heather Shea, Rev. Renee Rossi, and Rev. Dr. José M. Román as they explore the practice and spirituality of interspecies communication.

In this episode of Open Heart Conversations, the ministers of the United Palace of Spiritual Arts consider the world of animal communication and what it tells us about the Divine and humanity’s place in the world.


Audio Player

Conversations with Andrea Mathieson – Listening to the Soul, May 2019

I was delighted to be invited to share in two recorded conversations with Andrea Mathieson, an intuitive wise woman, flower essence creator and practitioner, and writer. Andrea and I met at the Dark Matter: Women Witnessing Council Circle/Retreat in Rawdon, Quebec in 2018 and 2019, and immediately knew that we were kindred spirits on a shared journey of interspecies connection, communication, and understanding.

It’s been an honor to sit in circle with Andrea, share writing and conversation, and to exchange our understandings born from deep listening to the other-than-human beings who share our world.


On Communing with Nature as a Child

Audio Player


On Our Body as a Listener

Audio Player


Q&A Show with Sandy Moss, Radio Interview on Animal Communication, January 2014

In this interview, I talk with Sandy about telepathic communication, working with animals in the spirit world, the perspectives of wild animals, and how telepathic communication can help animals and people to improve their relationships and create more harmony in our families and our world.

(Interview starts at 6 minutes; you can scroll past the ads… it’s commercial radio!)


Audio Player

Ten Tools for Telepathic Communication with Animals: Energy Healers Conference Class

In this free online animal communication class, I offer ten tools for telepathic communication with animals that can help you to improve your relationship with your animal friends. This class was presented as part of the online 2012 Energy Healers Conference. Listen to the class here:

Audio Player

Interview on KQNA’s “The Pet Corner Show” with Dusty Spitler

This interview was recorded in January 2012. It’s about 27 minutes long and includes a discussion of telepathic animal communicationReiki, and intuitive ethics.

Audio Player

Video Resources

Grey Whales offering interspecies forgiveness and outreach
with Intuitive Guidance from Animals
July 2024

Embracing a Fuller Life: Lessons from Animals
April, 2023

Soul Horse Sunday with Delaya Diana
April 26, 2023

“The Morning Scramble Show” with Sandy Moss, AZTV, 2014

Part 2

We All Have The Ability To Communicate With Animals
April 2023

Open Heart Conversations: Animal Communication
March 3, 2022

Animal Death, Dying, and Beyond: Conversation
with Janet Dobbs, September 2021