Reiki & Animal Reiki Practitioners Mentoring
Membership Circle


Join us for a program designed specifically to support
Reiki and Animal Reiki Practitioners!


*This program has been discontinued as of April, 2023. For more information about Reiki classes, see the Reiki for All Species classes page.*


An Invitation from Nancy

Dear Reiki Friends,

As Reiki/Animal Reiki practitioners, we can sometimes feel isolated from a larger community of practitioners, mentors, and kindred spirits. I was inspired to create this circle as an outgrowth of the Global Reiki Circle that we shared in 2020 in the early months of the pandemic, which brought so much healing, connection, and support for our global community.

In this time of global upheaval, pandemic, war, climate change, and the suffering of so many beings of all species all across our planet, I have been more aware than ever of the power of our connections with each other, the truth of the oneness of all life, and the gift of the universal life force energy of Reiki and its ability to provide comfort, support, and healing for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.

I’ve invited my friend, colleague, and graduate of my programs, Lynne McMahan, to co-facilitate this circle with me. Lynne is a great blessing to our world, and the depth of her Reiki practice is an inspiration for me and all those who know her. 

I invite Reiki & Animal Reiki practitioners of all lineages to join us in this circle. Our common unity through Reiki is greater than any of the differences in training, lineage, and tradition that we may have. We’ll join together for a monthly Zoom gathering (which will also be recorded) to share in a Reiki meditation/sharing and have conversations about topics and questions that may be coming up in our practices. We’ll also have an online forum for discussion, sharing, and a virtual Reiki circle where we can post specific requests for Reiki from our members.

I invite you to join us in this Reiki circle for ourselves, our communities, and all species in our world.

Reiki blessings + love,

Who is this Program for?

This circle is for Reiki and Animal Reiki Practitioners who have completed at least:

  • Reiki Level 1 course (taken from me or any teacher, any tradition)
  • Animal Reiki course (taken from me or any teacher) is recommended, but not required.
    *If you haven’t taken an Animal Reiki class before, AND you’ve completed Reiki Level 1 with me or someone else, you can take my Animal Reiki class here or an Animal Reiki class from another teacher.

Note: If you need to take BOTH Reiki Level 1 and Animal Reiki, my Reiki Level One for People & Animals course covers both here.

We welcome and respect Reiki practitioners from all lineages and traditions.

What You’ll Receive:

  • Monthly Zoom calls, where we will share in a guided Reiki meditation circle, and have Q/A and topic discussions moderated by Nancy and Lynne.
  • Virtual Reiki Share: our private online Reiki share request page, where you can post requests and share Reiki with permission for yourselves and others. 
  • Private discussion page where you can connect with other Reiki practitioners

The Reiki Ideals

Just for today, do not be angry
Do not worry, and be filled with gratitude
Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people

Usui Mikao


Program Facilitators

Nancy Windheart, Reiki Master-Teacher


nancy-windheart-animal-communicator-interspecies-communication-teacherReiki is one of the most powerful tools that I use in my daily personal life, as well as in my animal communication and intuitive healing practice. As a Reiki Master-Teacher (I am a Professional Member of the International Association of Reiki Professionals), I use Reiki daily for myself, my animal family, and with my human and animal clients.

My journey with Reiki started after I began my professional practice as an animal communicator. I was interested in Reiki because I wanted additional tools that I could offer to my clients and their animals, particularly those who were healing from trauma, or had emotional, behavioral, or physical issues that could benefit from the supportive holistic healing energy that Reiki provides.

I was initially drawn to Reiki as a supportive service that I could offer to my clients and their animal friends. What I didn’t expect, really, was how much Reiki would change MY life.

As a Reiki Master-Teacher, my mission is to share the gift of Reiki and to train people who wish to become Reiki Practitioners. Because of my work as an animal communicator, Reiki for animals is a large part of my professional and teaching practice. Reiki has also become an intimate part of my personal spiritual practice, connecting me more deeply to source energy and the divine love that is available to all beings.

I’ve created a complete Reiki & Animal Reiki Program that I have been teaching at a distance, using online + conference calling tools, for over a decade…long before the pandemic! It has been my privilege to teach Reiki to students from all over the world. You can see my full Reiki program class offerings on the Reiki Academy Program Page.

Lynne McMahan, Reiki Master-Teacher


lynne-mcmahan-reikiLynne started her Reiki practice in 2013 after her Level 1 & 2 and Master training and initial Animal Reiki training in Portland, Oregon. She was given her table and a practice room with an acupuncturist in the area. For a year, while exploring her next phase of life, she moved her practice to Prescott, Arizona where she met Nancy, first with Level 2 Animal Reiki training and then later as she began her Animal Communication training. Lynne completed the Animal Communication Professional Certification Program in 2020.

She has been building her Reiki and Animal Communication practice in Santa Fe NM, working with people and animals since moving there in 2015. Lynne was a steady volunteer with the Santa Fe Animal Shelter and Kindred Spirits Animal Sanctuary, sharing Reiki with clinic and adoption animals, until COVID changed her in-person practice.

Lynne is a retired university faculty emiritus, education consultant, trainer, and coach and has a full and active life with her Reiki and Animal Communication practice, her work, and her two “boys” (her 2-legged and 4 -legged partners).

Completing Nancy’s Animal Communication Teacher Training program in November 2022, Lynne’s goal is to continue to improve her skills as a teacher and practitioner, as well as building and expanding her En-Light-En Reiki and Animal Communication practice. 



Community Guidelines

This circle is a sacred space for each of us to learn and grow as Reiki practitioners. As such, we honor the following guidelines: 

We welcome practitioners from any Reiki lineage or tradition, and we honor all lineages and traditions, respecting both our common unity through Reiki and our differences.

The intention of this circle is to provide a container of support, education, and Reiki sharing. We ask that you do not use it to market specific programs and services. 

We honor the confidentiality and privacy of circle participants, and ask that what is shared be kept private within the circle of this course. Please be mindful of this especially if you have contact with each other outside of the course (social media, etc.). 

Personal Interaction outside the circle – be this via private email, social media, or other – must be consensual. Should a person express a preference to not communicate with another participant, this must be respected.

Respectful Communication: We practice listening to and sharing with each other with open hearts, lack of judgment, and compassionate presence. We honor and respect the experience and perspective of each person in our class circle. 

Communication that is disrespectful, slanderous, or attacking will not be tolerated, and will be deleted immediately.

Course materials are for the use of the participants in this class only, and may not be duplicated or shared.

This is an inclusive community which honors the dignity and spirit of each person, and is inclusive of people of every race, class, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and ability. 

We welcome and honor our companions, teachers, and guides of all species, recognizing their sentience, awareness, and dignity as spiritual, divine beings.

By participating in this program, you agree to adhere to these community guidelines. Violations of the community guidelines may result in removal from the circle.

Questions? Contact Us