Where Do We Go From Here? Teachings from Trees

Where Do We Go From Here? Teachings from Trees

Like so many of us, I have been deeply processing the results of the US election. I’ve needed time to be quiet, not feeling it necessary to add my voice to the overwhelming mix of analysis, discussion, finger-pointing, "love and light" platitudes, helpful advice,...

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The Politics of Cruelty or the Politics of Kindness

The Politics of Cruelty or the Politics of Kindness

I’m writing this on a beautiful autumn day in northern New Mexico, with the mountains and piñon trees outside my windows as companions and witnesses.  My animal family surrounds me, and I am deeply aware of my relationships with the wild ones who share this land with...

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Teachings from Great Blue Herons

Teachings from Great Blue Herons

Many years ago, a young great blue heron taught me a valuable lesson about interspecies communication that I continue to share with my students. This summer, I had the opportunity to revisit that lesson, and experience a magical event with another heron. Here are...

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Do THIS to Improve Your Communication with Animals

Do THIS to Improve Your Communication with Animals

  One of the most important things that we as humans can do if we really want to be able to hear and communicate with other species is to BE QUIET.  Our human world is NOISY. Our human language is NOISY. Our internal world is also often NOISY, with thoughts,...

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Intuitive Guidance from Animals Podcast

Intuitive Guidance from Animals Podcast

  I loved this conversation with Michele Lowry, animal intuitive and a former participant in my classes, and and her colleague Lisa Schermerhorn. In this podcast, we shared about a wide range of topics related to interspecies communication, including the process...

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Join me at the Sedona Hummingbird Festival!

Join me at the Sedona Hummingbird Festival!

I have some exciting news: I will be a guest presenter at the 10th annual Sedona Hummingbird Festival, July 26-29, 2024, sponsored by the International Hummingbird Society. I would love to meet you in Sedona and have you be a part of this wonderful gathering of...

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Lulu’s First Birthday: New Body, Old Soul

Lulu’s First Birthday: New Body, Old Soul

On Saturday, April 6, Lulu the Wonder Cat will be 1 year old! If you've been around for awhile, you know the story of Lulu's magical birth, and the beginning of the next lifetime of the being who was formerly known as Louie. Louie was my beloved cat partner, teaching...

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Highly Sensitive Animals

Highly Sensitive Animals

In recent years, there has been a increase in awareness about the trait of high sensitivity in humans.  I find that many people who are drawn to intuitive interspecies communication and Reiki have the trait of high sensitivity, and so I talk about this frequently in...

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New Years’ Conversation and Musings

New Years’ Conversation and Musings

Well, here we are at the beginning of 2024. I hope that you had a peaceful holiday season with your loved ones of all species. I'm also aware that for many people all across our planet, this time has been very difficult. As we begin 2024, with all we are facing as a...

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Grief Is Love: A Conversation with Carolyn Baker

Grief Is Love: A Conversation with Carolyn Baker

For many people, the holiday season can be challenging, especially if we are grieving. ​ ​Grief can take many forms, including both personal and collective losses. Whether we are grieving the loss of a beloved animal friend, a major change in our lives, the loss of...

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Get Free Access to the Basics of Telepathic Animal Communication!

This is a fun, information-filled class with tools and tips to start you on your journey with animal communication.

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