One of the most common question I am asked about interspecies communication is:

Is communication possible with not just animals, but also plants, trees, rocks, mountains, rivers, rainforests…?

The answer to this question is YES!

While the perspective, experience, understanding, and specifics of the communication may vary greatly between species, the process for two-way communication and understanding is the same.

The tools that support clear interspecies communication with animals are the same tools that we can use to communicate with and understand more-than-human beings of all species, or no species (landforms, bodies of water, etc.)

Here are four basic principles of communicating with all life, all forms of consciousness, regardless of form, species, or expression:

1. Cultivate a state of quiet, open awareness.

This is the foundation of all intuitive interspecies communication.

Being present, receptive, and quiet in our minds and open in our awareness supports deeper connection, understanding, and relationship with all life and all forms of consciousness.

A simple and powerful practice is to simply find a place to be in quiet connection with the natural world. Sit under a tree, walk barefoot in the ocean, a lake, a stream; sit outdoors in your garden or in a park and simply observe, be still, be open. It’s not necessary to ask questions, find answers, understand biology; just being in connection is enough.

See what you feel, observe, and experience in this present, receptive, awake state of being.

2. Be open to communication, awareness, understanding.

If we are open to the possibility of communication, shared awareness, and connection with other species, we create the field of being where this sharing and connection becomes possible.

Be curious, open, receptive; see what unfolds, what you experience, what you understand.

Trust what you receive and the understanding or communication that you experience. The trees, plants, rivers, mountains can share in a reciprocal awareness and understanding with you. Trust that this is possible, and see what begins to show up for you.

3. Slow down your human perceptions and become open to awareness of other ways of being, living, understanding.

Our human world is fast, complex, occupied with the mental realms, focused on doing and thinking. As we begin to open to the ways of being and perspectives of other species, we find that slowing down, even stopping, our movement, our thinking, and our doing allows a fresh perspective.

Being, allowing, and expanding are some words that describe a different way of being from our “normal” human lives.

4. Recognize and honor the consciousness in all beings.

While all beings differ in form, perspective, life experience, awareness, there is consciousness everywhere. As we open to this recognition, the consciousness in all life becomes available to us to experience, understand, and to be in reciprocal relationship with.

Honoring, respecting, and being willing to learn from other-than-human beings, with respect for their consciousness and awareness, is the foundation of intuitive interspecies communication with all life.

In the Deepening Animal Communication course, we explore expanding our interspecies communication skills with all life: plants, trees, rivers, mountains, nature spirits…the variety is endless. The tools for connection are the same.

As you open your inner and outer senses and ways of perceiving, receiving, and sharing, you may find that the world lights up in magical, unexpected ways.

A simple walk in the neighborhood becomes an opportunity for deep and joyful connection with plants, insects, trees; awareness of the soil, the clouds, the air becomes a dance of awareness, shared understanding, and transformation.

As we become more and more aware of the need for our human species to heal our broken connection with the Earth and all life, these tools and experiences of connection are vitally important.

Ask for help, support, and teaching from your more-than-human companions. In my experience, they are so willing, so generous, so open to welcoming our species back into the web of connection, understanding, and communication.