leah-graceIt is with sadness and and deep gratitude for the gifts of our relationship that I share with you that my sweet Afghan Hound-Golden Retriever mix, Leah Grace, passed into the spirit world on July 7.

Leah’s death was sudden and without much warning, from a silent and aggressive cancer that she showed no symptoms of until her last few days. She passed peacefully in my arms in our home, surrounded by our animal family and many angels. There was a powerful portal in her transition between the two eclipses, offering her an energetic support for gracefully leaving this life.

Leah gave me so many gifts… love, devotion, a fierce protectiveness of me and our home, and her gentle, matter-of-fact teaching in many of my animal communication classes. The balance in our home is changing, with the dog pack now at 3. Tashi, Surya, and Abby are adjusting to life without Leah’s physical presence, as am I.

Leah is close with us still as a spirit, coming in gently with love and grace to let me know that our relationship continues, in its new form. Her grave is also a memorial garden; the plants, birds, insects, and nature spirits shower it with their energy and beauty.




Love, loss, grief, endings and beginnings… this is our common and shared journey, no matter our species.

We never know how much time we will have with those we love.

Leah’s passing reminds me to love wildly, fiercely, and tenderly, for as long as we have, and to allow grief to move in me freely, as the ebb and flow of the tides.