I first became interested in Donna Farhi’s yoga teaching and writing when I learned that she is an avid horsewoman, based in New Zealand. I thought, “Ah, Yoga + Horses, now THAT is my cup of tea.”
“Bringing Yoga to Life: The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living” is one of the latest additions to my reading table. In it, Donna Farhi brings her lifetime of practice, teaching, and insight into helping us discover how the practice of Yoga can give us the tools to relate more honestly, openly, and compassionately with our daily, practical lives and the greater world around us.
If you’re not a yogi, this book may inspire you to begin to practice. If you are a yogi, you will find a great depth of wisdom, insight, and clarity that can take you deeper into your practice, and take your practice more fully into your world.