atlantic-humpback-whalesIn late January, I had the great privilege and joy of returning to the Silver Bank, a protected sanctuary for wild marine mammals 90 miles offshore of the Dominican Republic. Each winter, thousands of Atlantic humpback whales make the migration to these waters to mate, calve, and raise their young. It is one of the only places in the world where it’s possible to swim with these wise, gentle, beautiful beings.

The whales are my teachers, my guides, my friends, and in many ways, I consider them to be my spiritual family. I’ve made this pilgrimage five times; it has been 6 years since I’ve last been there.

Captain Gene Flipse of Conscious Breath Adventures has become a friend and trusted guide, honoring and respecting the whales and their ocean home. It had been 6 years since my last visit, and as always, it’s like coming home.

I’ll be writing more in the coming weeks about what I learned from the whales in this latest visit, how things have changed for them, what they wish to convey to the human species in this time of planetary crisis, and what they understand and know about our collective global situation.

For now, I’ll say that as always, their greatest teachings are kindness, benevolence, tolerance, patience, and most of all, love. Love for life, love for each other, love for the humans who interact with them with awareness and respect. I’m humbled to be in their energy field, in their presence, to hear their voices and have a glimpse of the vast awareness they carry in their bodies and spirits.

If you’d like to learn how to communicate with whales and all life — I invite you to the next Beginning Animal Communication Online Class that starts this spring.