reiki one online classReiki is one of the most powerful spiritual and energetic tools that I use in my daily personal life, as well as in my animal communication and intuitive healing practice. As a Reiki Master-Teacher, I use Reiki daily for myself, my animal family, and with my human and animal clients.

My journey with Reiki started after I began my professional practice as an animal communicator. I was interested in Reiki because I wanted additional tools that I could offer to my clients and their animals, particularly those who were healing from trauma, or had emotional, behavioral, or physical issues that could benefit from the holistic healing energy of Reiki.

I was initially drawn to Reiki as a supportive service that I could offer to my clients and their animal friends. What I didn’t expect, really, was how much Reiki would change MY life.

As a Reiki Master-Teacher, my mission is to share the gift of Reiki and to train people who wish to become Reiki Practitioners. Because of my work as an animal communicator, Reiki for animals is a large part of my professional and teaching practice. Reiki has also become an intimate part of my personal spiritual practice, connecting me more deeply to source energy and the divine love and universal life-force energy that is within all beings.

I received my Reiki training and attunements before the era of online learning. I attended classes in person, and I loved every minute of them. The retreat atmosphere and the opportunity to be immersed in the Reiki energy with my teachers and fellow practitioners was a wonderful experience.

So when I had clients and students ask me about teaching Reiki long-distance, I hesitated. Some Reiki traditions mandate that all attunements be given in-person, and I really understand the reasons for this. However, I kept feeling a call…a pull…and a deep desire to make the gift of Reiki accessible to anyone who wants it.

One of the most valuable things that I learned in my Reiki training was:

Reiki is your teacher. Reiki will be your guide. Allow Reiki to guide you and teach you, and you’ll learn more than you could ever learn from a human teacher.

I’ve learned that this wise advice is 100% accurate, and it’s wisdom that I pass on to my own students. And so, in asking the question,

Should I teach Reiki classes online?

I followed the guidance from the Reiki energy, and I received a clear “yes.”

I work with people all over the world who want to learn animal communication and Reiki to help people and animals in their families and communities. There are many people who live in places where Reiki training isn’t available or accessible to them. For many reasons, I saw that my calling to teach Reiki classes online could be of service in the world. And so, trusting this guidance, I created my first online Reiki class.

Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. I had been teaching telepathic interspecies communication online and distance for years, and I knew that one of the wonderful benefits of Reiki is that it can be practiced at a distance. I was confident that I could create a distance learning environment that would give people the training and the tools that they needed to become competent Reiki practitioners.

And yet, I wondered…would these classes be as transformative and life-changing as they are for people in-person? How would it feel? How would people respond?

The answers to these questions came from the first group of Reiki 1 practitioners who took my online/teleconference classes. And honestly, I have to say, the enthusiasm of my students and the depth of peoples’ experiences was beyond what I had even imagined. Here are some examples of responses from people in this class:

“There has been a change in my energy since we had our Reiki attunement session.  I feel more held and loved in the universe.”


“I feel that Reiki has helped me to become more emotionally centered and more aware of my intentions as I proceed through each day. It has helped me to become more compassionate in my dealings with clients in my volunteer work.”


“I feel as if a whole new world is opening to me!”


“I find that each day is more centered as I usually begin and end the day with meditations and a Reiki session.”


“I am not the person who clicked on the first lesson of this course. This experience has been profound, spiritual, beautiful, clarifying, uplifting, and empowering.”


“In addition to learning about Reiki, I participated in practicing it. I felt the energy flow. I realized that this is really something that I can give to myself – and others. It really is possible!! I am thrilled and looking forward to continuing to expand my world.”

These experiences of new Reiki practitioners discovering the power in this simple, beautiful healing tool were such a wonderful confirmation that trusting Reiki, trusting my guidance, and offering Reiki training in this format was the right thing to do–right for me, and right for my students.

Reiki is the teacher…Reiki is the healer. If I stay in an attitude of service to Reiki and my students, everything else falls into place.

I have complete respect for Reiki teachers in all traditions who feel strongly that teaching Reiki only in-person is what is right for them, and I also completely support people who wish to learn Reiki in an in-person environment. I want as many people as possible to have the tool of Reiki, however they come to it and however they use it. I feel it’s important to work with a qualified, well-trained Reiki Master who understands how to teach about Reiki; however, Reiki itself is our most important teacher.

If you feel called to Reiki, feel for yourself which path is right for you. Many people work with more than one Reiki teacher and more than one Reiki lineage…and that is fantastic. If you’re looking for a Reiki teacher in your area, you can check out the directory at the International Association of Reiki Professionals.

See the Reiki for All Species Training Program page for more information on my online Reiki and Animal Reiki classes. To get started, I invite you to join me in my next Reiki for All Species Level 1 Course that starts January 15, 2024. However you decide to make your journey with Reiki, I hope that you’ll begin!