Certified Animal Communication Practitioner BadgeI have some wonderful news to share with you this week: I am super excited to announce the 2022 graduates of the  Animal Communication Professional Certification Program!

This is not an easy program, and I know that these people would be the first to tell you that. Each of them has invested a minimum of 2 years into this training…often more. They have given great amounts of their time, energy, financial resources, hearts, and love to this work.

Each of them has trained in the practice of clear, accurate, and reliable two-way telepathic communication with animals. They have also done extensive training in ethics, client relationships, and interspecies family counseling. They are exceptional human beings and interspecies communicators who have completed this in-depth training program and are ready to offer their unique expression of this work into the world.

I love these women. I have confidence in their abilities, their integrity, and their excellent hearts. Each brings her unique and individual background, personality, and expertise to this work. They each have additional training and experience in other modalities and areas of practice, including Reiki, environmental education, farm management, animal care, energy healing, and nutrition.

Each of them has also done deep personal work, spiritual practice, many, many animal communication case studies, and in-depth mentoring with me. Each of these practitioners has followed her heart, her guidance, and has devoted herself to the study and practice of animal communication in a deeply dedicated way.

The training program certification is a statement that the practitioners have not only completed the required intensive training courses, but that they have the basic skills, competence, and intention of the heart to enter the field as professional animal communicators, in whatever way is the best fit for them.

Although the certification program is a beginning, much like a college degree or professional training in another field, it is also a completion…a completion of a huge piece of deep work that has allowed these people to be in a place to confidently offer their skills and their services to the world.

I am so pleased to introduce to you the 2022 graduates of the Animal Communication Professional Certification Program:

Laura Moreaux
Oregon, USA


Cissy Norrell
Maryland, USA


Christina Slyper
Wild Whispers






Natalie Rowland
Adelaide, Australia


Please join me in congratulating and welcoming these new professional animal communicators to the field!

Their information will be added to the Professional Certified Animal Communication Practitioners page on my website soon.