Louie of the Light

Louie of the Light

In early January, a few days after we celebrated his 20th birthday, my beloved friend and wise teacher, Louie of the Light, left his physical body. It is with both profound gratitude for all of the gifts of our life together, and deep sadness as I miss his immense...
Stand Up Against Hate and Violence: Vote

Stand Up Against Hate and Violence: Vote

This is not the post I had planned to write today. I had intended to write some kind of inspiring post about animals and interspecies communication…maybe with some cute chicken photos. That post will come sometime, but not today. Today, I have to write about...
Gathering in Sacred Circle with Animals

Gathering in Sacred Circle with Animals

On the first weekend in October, I traveled to Flagstaff, Arizona for the Animal Communication Workshop at Azimuth Ranch. Our group was hosted by the wonderful human and animals who make their home at the ranch, including llamas, camels, an alpaca, goats, sheep,...
How Animal Communication Heals

How Animal Communication Heals

Animal communication can support animals and their people in a variety of ways. In this post, I want to focus on the question, How does animal communication heal?   Clear and accurate animal communication can help animals and their people in times of emotional or...