Strengthening Our Relationships Across Borders

Strengthening Our Relationships Across Borders

In these last weeks and months, as I’ve witnessed the cruelty, chaos, and destruction that the current American government is creating both within our country and all around the world, I’ve been deeply considering the question: How can we strengthen our...
Red Racer Snakes

Red Racer Snakes   I am blessed to have a family of red racer (coachwhip) snakes who live on my land. They nest in a hole in the concrete near my driveway,...
Why Does Interspecies Communication Matter?

Why Does Interspecies Communication Matter?

These are challenging times. Climate chaos, “natural disasters” resulting from human impacts on the Earth, massive loss of individuals and entire species, pandemics, violence of all kinds, the rise of authoritarianism and fundamentalist religious...
When It’s All Too Much

When It’s All Too Much

How are you doing right now? This is HARD. I hit a wall this past weekend. After these last weeks of adrenaline rush, paying attention to the ever-changing news, making sure I have enough food + supplies for the animals and myself, figuring out what I can offer in...
We Are Learning About Resilience and Adaptation

We Are Learning About Resilience and Adaptation

What a time this is. We are experiencing how fast things can change, how life can be upended in what feels like a single moment, how fast the world as we thought we knew it can fall away. One turn of the kaleidoscope and everything looks and feels very different. We...
An Orca Mother Grieves: Tahlequah and her Calf

An Orca Mother Grieves: Tahlequah and her Calf

I was deep in the Saguenay Fjord and the St. Lawrence River of northern Quebec, on retreat with some of my beloved cetacean friends, when the news came: an orca whale mother, Tahlequah, also known as J35, a member of the critically endangered southern resident orca...