by Nancy Windheart | Sep 12, 2019
Last week, I happily welcomed 5 new hens into my flock of bantam chickens, and I am delighted to introduce them to you! Meet, Phoebe, a 2 year old bantam Phoenix: and Ella, Bella, Stella, and Zella, 5-month old D’Uccles: They are all settling in very well,...
by Nancy Windheart | Aug 31, 2019
This month marks the 2-year anniversary of my move to Santa Fe, New Mexico. After over a decade in northern Arizona, where I loved living in both the ponderosa pine forest and the desert riparian ecosystem of the Verde Valley, I am loving exploring the high desert and...
by Nancy Windheart | Aug 22, 2019
As a teacher of interspecies communication and Reiki, I find that a significant percentage of my clients and students resonate with what I share about the blessings and challenges of living as an empath & highly sensitive person. Although I emphasize that...
by Nancy Windheart | Aug 15, 2019
I have been a Reiki practitioner and Reiki teacher for over a decade. When I first began my journey with Reiki, I had no idea what a practical, simple, and profound gift it would be. I can honestly say that I use Reiki on a daily basis in my life… in ways that...
by Nancy Windheart | Aug 7, 2019
It is with sadness and and deep gratitude for the gifts of our relationship that I share with you that my sweet Afghan Hound-Golden Retriever mix, Leah Grace, passed into the spirit world on July 7. Leah’s death was sudden and without much warning, from a silent...