by Nancy Windheart | Jan 23, 2012
I have these words on the bulletin board above my desk: Expect Miracles. In my healing and animal communication practice, I am incredibly blessed to be able to witness miracles almost every day. A man’s debilitating sciatica, previously managed only with pain...
by Nancy Windheart | Jan 12, 2012
I communicated with the Amazon River (Pink) Dolphins about their situation as an endangered species. This communication was done on January 12, 2012. “We have always been inter-dimensional beings, with full awareness of our lives and consciousness in many...
by Nancy Windheart | Jan 1, 2012
Happy New Year! I am smiling as I write this, because this year–2012–has been the subject of so much talk, hope, and hype–and it is finally here. I have experienced a renewed clarity and peacefulness since Jan. 1, and I have been hearing this from...
by Nancy Windheart | Jul 14, 2011
Also published in the Summer, 2011 Issue of the Love Letters digital magazine. I live in a Ponderosa Pine forest in the mountains of north-central Arizona. I am blessed to be close to the natural world every day, and to learn from and communicate with the many plants...
by Nancy Windheart | Jun 7, 2011
This article originally appeared in the June, 2011 Love Letters digital magazine. In my work as an animal communicator, I’m blessed to have daily conversations not only with my own animal family, but with animals around the world, as well. Through the “magical”...