How Does Tension In the Body Affect Interspecies Communication?
In the many years that I have been teaching interspecies communication, I have often been asked, "How can I improve my communication with other-than-human beings?" One of the most important things that we can do as humans is to learn how to pay attention to tension in...

How Do Animals Understand Time?
One of the questions I'm often asked is, "Do animals understand time?" And, if so, how? In my years as an animal communicator, I have learned that many animals do have a sense and an understanding of time, but it's often different from our human understanding and...

How I Keep My Focus on Joy, Connection, and the Matters of Daily Life
What a time this is. Like many of you who I've been hearing from, I am affected emotionally, physically, and energetically by all that is happening in my country and in our world. Sometimes, it's just plain exhausting. Overwhelming. Worrying. Frightening....

The 2020 Graduates of the Professional Animal Communication Certification Program
I have some wonderful news to share with you this week: I am so pleased to announce the 2020 graduates of the Professional Animal Communication Certification Program! This is not an easy program, and I know that these people would be the first to tell you that. Each...

Reiki for Ourselves, Our Animals, and Our World
I'll say it plainly: I don't know how I would have made it through the last several years without Reiki. And, though we celebrate the beginning of a new year with new intentions, fresh energy, a sense of possibility, evolution, and transmutation, let's be clear: we...

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! As 2020 comes to a close, and we turn our attention, and intentions, toward 2021, I thought I'd share a few highlights of news stories that touched my heart and filled me with hope and joy in this past year: Researchers "discover" a "new" whale species...

Holiday Blessings and A Gift For You
What a time this has been! As we come to the end of 2020, I am aware that we are in a deep collective processing of all of the events of this year in our inner and outer worlds. We're just past the powerful Solstice with the big Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, and in this...

Gift Books for Animal Lovers and Animal Communicators
Each year at this time I get a lot of emails asking for recommendations for gifts for animal lovers and people who are interested in animal communication. So I decided to compile a list of a few of my favorite books for the animal lovers and animal communicators in...

Raven’s Teaching: Fly Differently
A few weeks ago, I went out for a morning walk, and received a teaching from a beautful raven that I understood immediately was to be shared with other humans. Forest fires were burning here in northern New Mexico and all over the western US; smoke from the fires was...

Louie the Wonder Cat
This week, I’m sharing a personal story from my animal family that was a bit too tender and raw to share until now. Those of you who have taken my classes or followed me for awhile know my beloved cat Louie, who is now 17 years young. Louie is one of the wisest, most...

Southern Resident Orcas Celebrate Talequah’s New Calf
In this difficult, challenging time for all species on our Earth, it's important to celebrate the joy and beauty that continues to unfold, even in the face of great hardship. Earlier this month, Talequah (J35), of the Southern Resident population of orcas (killer...

How Science and Intuition Can Work Together
I have a special treat to share with you! Katy Quayle, who was completing the Animal Communication Professional Certification Program with me during this time, gave this fantastic interview for a local radio station on animal communication. In it, she talks about her...