Grieving Our Animal Friends at the Holidays

Grieving Our Animal Friends at the Holidays

Well, it's here...Holiday Season 2021. In this post, I want to share some thoughts and suggestions for navigating the holidays when we are grieving the loss of our beloved animal friends and companions. We are ending the second year of the pandemic; the second year of...

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What Does It Take to Be a Good Animal Communicator?

What Does It Take to Be a Good Animal Communicator?

Over the years that I have been teaching animal communication and training people to become professional animal communicators, I have often been asked the question: What Does it Take to Be a Good Animal Communicator? I have thought about this a lot, and have noticed...

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Fairy Tree: Making Space for the Nature Spirits

Fairy Tree: Making Space for the Nature Spirits

Fairies...elementals...sprites...elves....gnomes...nature spirits...stories of these beings are found in almost all human cultures. Though known by different names, and comprising many different "groups" or expressions of energy and consciousness, these beings have...

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Introducing My New Animal Friends!

Introducing My New Animal Friends!

Sometimes, blessings come all in a package, in a great, overwhelming cascade of joy! That's what happened in my family last week. Last Tuesday, I welcomed 10 1-day old bantam chicks into my animal family, including a "returnee": Callie, who died in June, returned in...

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Physical Tools to Quiet the Mind

Physical Tools to Quiet the Mind

One of the things I often hear from people who are learning to reclaim their natural ability to communicate telepathically with animals is, "I can't quiet the chatter in my mind." It's important to learn how to quiet our minds when opening to communicating with...

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Arizona Animal Communication Workshop

Arizona Animal Communication Workshop

I have some exciting news: I've scheduled the first live, in-person program since 2019! I'll be teaching a 2-day Animal Communication Workshop in Flagstaff, AZ Oct. 2-3, 2021. I wasn't going to even think about returning to in-person teaching until 2022, but then I...

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Do Animals Take On Illness for People?

Do Animals Take On Illness for People?

One of the topics I'm asked about frequently as an animal communicator is, "Do animals take on illness for people?" A recent discussion in the Advanced Topics in Animal Communication class, part of the Animal Communication Professional Certification Program, inspired...

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The Hawk’s Eye: Equine-imity

The Hawk’s Eye: Equine-imity

In the occasional Hawk's Eye posts, I share resources that I think will be interesting and helpful for my readers. In this post I'm delighted to feature a new book by Beverley Kane, MD: Equine-imity: Stress Reduction and Emotional Self-Regulation in the Company of...

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The Science of Intuitive Interspecies Communication

The Science of Intuitive Interspecies Communication

It's an exciting time to be working in the field of Intuitive Interspecies Communication. Fifteen years ago, when I first entered this field professionally, it was still considered "fringe", a little "woo-woo", and something that was interesting, but for the most...

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Films for Interspecies Communicators and Sensitive Souls

Like all of us these days, I’ve been watching more films online than I did pre-pandemic. As an empath and sensitive person, I often have a hard time finding films that I enjoy and that truly speak to my soul. I can’t tolerate and don’t enjoy loud, violent, or...

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Get Free Access to the Basics of Telepathic Animal Communication!

This is a fun, information-filled class with tools and tips to start you on your journey with animal communication.

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